Main organization Do Something Foundation (DSF). We have two wings under this organization.
1. Educational Wing: O AA KA KHA Education family which is working for assuring free education for unprivileged children.
2. Social Wing: Youths for the Nation which main operation is medical camp, winter camp and rehabilitation program as well as administrate hospital.
At present we have two schools in Savar, Dhaka & Sirajganj and two primary health care center in Savar, Dhaka & Sirajganj.
Do Something Foundation is a non political, non profitable, non government organization. We are working in different sectors of Bangladesh for development of deprived community through ensuring Health and Education services basically.
Name: The name of the society DO SOMETHING FOUNDATION Office: The office is located at niribili(Beside National Memorial)Post:Mirzanagar via savar cantonment ,Dhaka-1344. It may be shifted to any place of the country by the decision of the Executive Committee of the society.
Basically we are working to establish basic human rights like health and Education.We are giving them Health and Educational services as a cost of free. Among them remarkable things are:
1. To undertake program for treatment, family planning,mass education, gender development and prevention of child abuses.
2. Basic health education and training.
3. To achieve universal primary education.
4.Quality sanitation.
5. Clean water and sanitation.
6.Good health and well being.
7. Zero figure of street children
8. Good nutrition to mother and children.

The operation area of the society shall be all over Bangladesh. Subsequently, if and when the society grows in stature, it will seek to globalize its operations.
The society shall be a non-political, non-Governmental and charitable organization solely devoted to the cause of education and voluntary service.